Paessler PRTG

Network audits:
For an overview of your devices,
applications, and traffic


  • icon check white 2
    PRTG monitors
    servers, routers, and switches

  • icon check white 2
    PRTG monitors
    bandwidth and traffic
  • icon check white 2
    PRTG monitors
    applications and cloud services






Individual network audits and permanent monitoring

Network audit tools

IT managers perform a network scan or network audit to get an overview or solve a specific problem. There are many tools on the market designed especially for network audits. The fundamental problem, however, lies elsewhere: many networks are not monitored on a permanent basis This leads to disruptions, critical errors, and for sysadmins, the unshakable feeling they have lost all control of their networks.

Permanent monitoring

PRTG monitors your network around the clock. It monitors your hardware, applications, bandwidth, traffic, and much more. With PRTG, you’ll be promptly notified in the event that a server, switch, or router is causing a problem. You can therefore quickly take action to make sure your network stays in tip-top condition. PRTG helps you keep disruptions and crashes to a minimum. You get a constant overview of your entire network. Upon installing the software, all devices within a specified IP range are scanned and added automatically.


A sneak peek at a PRTG monitoring dashboard


5 sensors for checking the status of your network

 i How PRTG defines sensors

In PRTG, “sensors” are the basic monitoring elements. One sensor usually monitors one measured value in your network, e.g. the traffic of a switch port, the CPU load of a server, the free space of a disk drive. On average you need about 5-10 sensors per device or one sensor per switch port.

View video (3:26 min.)


Three situations calling for a network audit

Fehlerquellen im Blick

New on the job

To get started, newly hired IT managers need an overview of the company network. Unfortunately, such an overview is not always available. And while it’s important to read the various company manuals, it’s likely new employees will not find the time to do so. Checklists, furthermore, are usually missing from the initial training process. PRTG provides for the necessary overview.


Alarm bei Netzwerkfehlern

Specific problem

Here’s another reason why admins wish to perform a network audit: they have a specific problem but aren't exactly sure where it lies. Network connections are down, devices are acting up, or the company is dealing with minor or major malfunctions. PRTG helps you get to the root of the problem.


Unterstützung bei der Netzwerkanalyse

A growing network

As companies grow, so do their IT infrastructures. This means more and more devices and applications. Things get even more complicated when a company expands to new locations. Another problem involves shadow IT such as USB sticks which are simply inserted into devices and thus present a security concern. PRTG also helps you get a handle on larger networks.


Your network on a glance – even on the go

Set up PRTG in minutes and use it on almost any mobile device.


PRTG comes with all the features you need, plus more your IT infrastructure won't want to live without.



PRTG monitors these vendors and applications in one view!


vendors vm ware



quote steffen ille

“The greatest advantage of PRTG? You get to rest easy.“

Steffen Ille, Bauhaus-University of Weimar, Germany


Trusted by 500,000 users and recognized
by industry analysts as a leader


“Fantastic network and infrastructure monitoring solution that is easy to deploy and easier still to use. Simply the best available.”

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“Software is absolutely perfect, Support is superior. Meets all needs and requirements, this is a must have solution if you are needing any form of monitoring.”

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“The tool excels at its primary focus of being a unified infrastructure management and network monitoring service.”

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Network audits: 3 core elements for checking the status of your network


Hardware is the basis for every network audit. As a sysadmin, you need an overview of the devices in your network. This includes the total number of network devices and confirmation that all security-related updates have been performed.

PRTG sensor tip:
SNMP Hardware Status


Hinzu kommen die Anwendungen auf den Geräten. Manchmal verursachen einzelne Anwendungen eine hohe Last und führen zu Störungen. Hinzu kommt die Virtualisierung: Viele Unternehmen nutzen Cloud-Anwendungen oder virtuelle Server. 

PRTG sensor tip:
VMware Host Hardware Status (SOAP)


What kind of traffic runs through your network? Which IP addresses and applications generate the most load? PRTG shows you exactly what is going on in your network.

PRTG sensor tip:
Packet Sniffer


sascha neumeier

Practical tip: “Hey Sascha, when it comes to network audits, what are your three golden rules?”

“First of all, take your time. It’s important that managers grant their sysadmins plenty of time to prepare the network audit. Second, and conversely to the first rule, once the audit is run, time is of the essence. You’ll want to make sure any loopholes revealed by the audit are closed as quickly as possible. Finally, rerun the audit often. Regular network audits are an important part of a continual improvement process.”

Sascha Neumeier, Paessler IT Department


Network security audits: The benefits and limitations of PRTG

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Improve overall security in the network

PRTG helps you make your network more secure. Among other things, it monitors firewalls, servers, and ports. You’ll notice unusual traffic and receive an alert if security updates have not been performed. If a critical error arises, PRTG lets you exclude a number of possible causes.

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Security software and audits

PRTG is not security software. It is therefore unable to actively protect your network from attacks. To stop attacks, you'll need additional security software. What’s more, a security or IT security audit has its own standards, guidelines, and procedures.


Network audit software: Why 500,000 admins put their trust in PRTG

Check your network for free

It doesn't cost a thing to try PRTG. All the software’s sensors and features are free for the first 30 days. You can use PRTG to check your network. If you need more detail, go ahead and pick up a separate network audit tool. After the free one-month trial, you can continue to access 100 sensors that never expire, as well as the alarm, reports function, and other features which will allow you to benefit from permanent network monitoring.

One centralized tool

Tired of a mishmash of network audit and network monitoring tools? Maybe it’s time to switch to PRTG. PRTG is a centralized tool for monitoring your entire network. It is compatible with all the biggest manufacturers, including HP, Cisco, and Dell. You can also use PRTG for distributed networks.

Improve the performance of your network

PRTG lets you quickly identify loopholes. Network monitoring is essential for improving the performance parameters of your network. When the network runs more smoothly, your coworkers are happier and the support desk receives far fewer complaints. As availability improves, so does uptime.

Keep an eye on everything: At all times and from anywhere

PRTG keeps a constant eye on your network devices, applications, and traffic. The software is available for desktops, tablets, and even smartphone apps while on the go. And thanks to PRTG alerts, you won't have to waste a single second wondering if everything is OK. PRTG is like a pair of eyes that never loses sight of your network.

Network reports

PRTG monitors your IT infrastructure over long stretches of time. You can therefore run analyses to identify any changes that may not be obvious in the short term. These reports are easy to understand for both department heads and those with little technical expertise.


We asked: would you recommend PRTG?
Over 95% of our customers say yes!


Paessler conducted trials in over 600 IT departments worldwide to tune its network monitoring software closer to the needs of sysadmins.
The result of the survey: over 95% of the participants would recommend PRTG – or already have.


Recommend PRTG


Create innovative solutions with Paessler’s partners

Partnering with innovative vendors, Paessler unleashes synergies to create
new and additional benefits for joined customers.


With ScriptRunner, Paessler integrates a powerful event automation platform into PRTG Network Monitor.

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Siemon and Paessler bring together intelligent building technology and advanced monitoring and make your vision of intelligent buildings and data centers become reality.

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UVexplorer integrates tightly with PRTG to bring fast and accurate network discovery, detailed device inventory, and automatic network mapping to the PRTG platform.

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PRTG the multi-tool

PRTG: The multi-tool for sysadmins

Adapt PRTG individually and dynamically to your needs and rely on a strong API:

  • HTTP API: Access monitoring data and manipulate monitoring objects via HTTP requests
  • Custom sensors: Create your own PRTG sensors for customized monitoring
  • Custom notifications: Create your own notifications and send action triggers to external systems
  • REST Custom sensor: Monitor almost everything that provides data in XML or JSON format


Network audit tools:
A large selection, but choosing the right one is a must

Many tools on the market

There are many different tools for performing a network inventory or audit. These include Network Inventory Advisor, Spiceworks, Total Network Inventory, Lansweeper, Open-Audit, and Emco Network Inventory.

Quick command line check

For specific problems, many sysadmins run a quick command line check first, e.g. via a ping query, traceroute, or netstat. But in reality, this is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

Centralized monitoring tool  

If you’re looking for a quick check, PRTG may not be the tool for you. PRTG is a permanent monitoring solution for your entire network. It constantly keeps you up-to-date such that future network audits become obsolete.


Network monitoring:
Other topics of interest

QoS monitoring

Packet loss, jitter, latency: PRTG keeps a constant eye on your quality of service. Enjoy interruption-free video conferences and VoIP. Cisco monitoring included. More on QoS monitoring with PRTG


Monitor virtual environments

VMware, Citrix, Hyper-V:PRTG monitors your virtual environments to ensure your IT runs smoothly. The PRTG dashboard provides an overview of servers, virtual machines, traffic, and more.


Database monitoring

Oracle SQL, Microsoft SQL, MySQL: Many companies use databases from a variety of different manufacturers, as well as open source solutions. With PRTG, you can monitor all your databases from one centralized location.


PRTG makes your job easier

Our monitoring software frees you to focus on other tasks by promptly notifying you of potential issues.


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Save effort

PRTG gives you one central monitoring tool for your servers and entire network. Enjoy a quick overview of your whole infrastructure via our dashboard and app.

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Save time

Getting started with PRTG is a breeze. Setting up or switching from another network monitoring tool is easy thanks to the auto-discovery and pre-configured device templates.

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Save money

80% of our customers report substantial cost savings with network monitoring. Your costs of licenses will likely pay for themselves within weeks.



Still not convinced?



More than 500,000 sysadmins love PRTG

Paessler PRTG is used by companies of all sizes. Sysadmins love PRTG because it makes their job a whole lot easier.

Still not convinced?


Monitor your entire IT infrastructure

Bandwidth, servers, virtual environments, websites, VoIP services – PRTG keeps an eye on your entire network.



Try Paessler PRTG for free

Everyone has different monitoring needs. That’s why we let you try PRTG for free. Start now with your trial.




Network Monitoring Software - Version (July 31st, 2024)


Download for Windows and cloud-based version PRTG Hosted Monitor available


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Up to 100 sensors for free (Price List)

Unified Monitoring

Network devices, bandwidth, servers, applications, virtual environments, remote systems, IoT, and more

Supported Vendors & Applications

cisco logo grey 40 dell logo grey 40 hp logo grey 40 ibm grey40 netapp grey40 linux grey40 aws grey40 windows grey40 vmware grey40 citrix grey40 exchange grey40 apache grey40 oracle grey40